Money is very essential in life, without it, many things tend to go wrong. Everyone is in the race to make money. Some earn it legitimately, while others resort to illegitimate means. The primary reason many are willing to do anything, even illegal activities to acquire money is because they allow money to control them. When you lack control over something, you will tend to follow its dictates blindly, and this is why the world is filled with so many atrocities because of the pursuit of wealth.
It’s important to know that making money is not easy, regardless of the approach. No one sits at home and magically gets rich, people work for it, especially those earning it legally. Many of the billionaires you see today started small. Their wealth didn’t come in bulk overnight. Most of them invested in various investments like Bitcoin, which eventually generated profits and built their fortunes.
Here are some signs that money is controlling someone
1: Thinking that taking someone’s life is a means to make money.
2:Marrying someone way older solely for financial gain.
3: Betraying friends for monetary benefits.
4: Defrauding people of their hard earned money.
5:Stealing from others to enrich yourself.
There is no shortcut to true wealth. To succeed in life, you must work hard and earn your money legally. Remember, if you engage in crime, you will face the consequences.
Many people are making legitimate money online without defrauding anyone. Let this be a reminder that hard work and integrity are the true paths to success.
Op this is a very detailed writeup, I somuch applaud you for it, such a a great idea you got here, as for people been control by money I will say that's an individual thing, people choose what they want and like, there's one thing I know for sure which is the fact that everyone knows what's right and wrong that's to say that anyone allowing him or herself to be controlled by money does that on purposes.
In the pursuit of money individuals encounter many difficulties whether we are chasing it legitimately or illegaimately but the thing is we must no that life has principles and those principle must be followed to attain success but everything we do in life have opposite reaction and the repercussions must come as time goes by.
Many people acquire wealth legitimately from the begining but at a time they begin to deviate because of the power at the helm of affair, you must dance to those figures to operate freely thats why it is very difficult to see a rich man that's free of corrupt practices.
The term weath isn't an easy thing, if wealthy people tell you what they did to get to that level they are, you won't find it funny, op I will tell you for free that that almost all the wealthy people did one of these things before or after they got to the level they are today though some of them realize that those act aren't good and stop it later, wealth comes with so many things that we can't imagine, if you get there you will understand,
I agree with you that every rich man started from so where and grow to unimaginable wealthy person, yea some of them invested in Bitcoin with trust and hodl for a long-term, op that's why you should emulate to invest in Bitcoin for a long-term that's if you've not started that already.
Conclusionally there's no free money anywhere, hardwork pays but it all depends on what you want as a person and the approach you applied to achieve the set goal.