Well duh, why do you think piuk even runs this site if he didn't intend to earn money? Would you have made your "casascius" coins for free, and then give them away for free? No, you wanted money, same as everybody else(and then ->) offering bitcoin related services.
Some people value more things in life than money. For example, you out of the goodness of your heart seem to have offered to counsel me on why people do things in life - amazingly without getting paid for it. What would you say if (and this is a HUGE if) I decided I didn't care about money, and just gave away, for free, the code that lets me make physical bitcoins, the secret sauce. Made it so anyone could create those little key circles so they could make their own coins. How would such a self-defeating act fit into your "people-only-do-things-for-money" paradigm?
It's reasonable to think that he might have more motivations for implementing such a feature beyond collecting a fee specifically for creating that particular feature. Even from a selfish perspective, he may see that adding such a feature makes his tool that much more useful and valuable and increases his user base and appeal.
As a work around for this, till someone implements it on one of the web wallets. Couldn't you parse a text file in the format you said and covert it to a sendmany line to used in the debug window of the qt-bitcoin client? Not quite as simple, but cut and paste and two clicks
Yes, definitely. I have done this quite a few times. But it only helps me, it doesn't help the average joe create his own physical bitcoins.