Also, if your PSU is hot, double check the side to make sure there's no minimum for the outgoing power.
Some PSU's need to be letting out a certain amount of power to not fry themselves.
Thanks kain,
I checked forthe psu, i don't think so these are some bad ass psu plus with that video card sucking i doubt it has a low power out situation.. but as far as the extra fan..
Interesting idea.. so remove the pipe that leads to the cpu cooling from the side of the computer case and add a fan there that sucks the hot air from the "top" and blows it out ? .. won't that lead to the cpu not able to recycle are well, or even too much air going out (already 1 far + psu up there) and not enough air coming in so possibly creating a stale mate and not really helping? .. god i wish i smoked if toss in some nice cig smoke and record it, slow it down and see the actual air flow
so mounting an extra fan in the BACK of the psu (directly onto it's grill) would prob be a bad idea?