i have a simple solution which may solve all instamining and highly inflating coins. Just make variable reward with minimum requirements of hashrate to give full block reward. E. g. electricity price divided by hashrate + only a small bonus = the reward if no gigahashes are mining. Or just simply if some coin is mined by e. g. 10Mhashes only, the mining should not give to miners more than few percent of normal reward. This would solve the problem of coins which get instamined and dumped or gain some value and get killed by inflation of new and new coins without decent hashrate or demand.
Is there currently any those coin? (except bernankoin which is doing that by opposite way and it is just a good joke). Thank for answers.
You are proposing an inflation coin with a inflation rate relative to total hashing power. A coin like that can be gamed and increases mining would dilute the value of the coin suppressing price. Mining it would destroy its value more than current coins. Traders would ignore the coin because of its quickly destroying value. No one would want to hold the coin for any period of time.