2. Sellers need buyers.
3. Bringing 2-3k sellers and buyers online in the same time on your NEW exchange is impossible. Simply impossible.
We talk about a new exchange being trusted by thousands of traders. It looks easy but the truth is :
- NOBODY trusts a new exchange.
- NOBODY use a new exchange.
Those are the reasons we only have 3 big exchanges :
2. "The chicken or the egg" causality dilemma.
We (www.bitcoin-exchange.info) have solved number 2 but number 1 can be solved only in time (at least 1 year). Period.
Thank you for your expert judgement calls based on nothing whatsoever.
OTC trade is up a good 50% in the past three months. The thing with Bitcoin is that idiots/noobs believe in the website model, and so agglomerate themselves in the killing fields (aka websites). People who know what's what use the WoT and trade OTC.
This trend will continue, the combined "exchange" market will likely continue dropping in relative value and eventually mature into the < 1% it's supposed to be (to which add, of course, all their own wash trading, fake walls and whatnot).