Reward is good however you have funcaptcha with 6 challange to complete which is very time consuming. I think having 2-3 challange is enough, you can change that in funcaptcha setting. Good luck
hello how can i change that? im in the site setting but don't manage to find that option
Yeah funcaptcha is really good. Log into your funcaptcha account, to "your site settings"
You will see the domain name, below setup you will find settings, click on it. You will see five options, select security, "always enhanced or automatic"
Always enhanced means = 6 challenges
Automatic = depends on the time when the user solved the captcha, within an hour, then 2 challenges, but would not be 6, but it would increase if an user solves wrong captcha, every wrong attempt increases the number of challenges.
I would highly recommend you to stick with enhanced security, 6 challenges. Good luck with your faucet.