What is sleeping account: Is any account which activity is below required standard of operations. In 2023 notable dormant sleeping Bitcoin transaction rises totaling a staggered number of 370BTC valued at 958 million based on current BTC exchange rate. It's observed that this account lack operation and some cause associated to it is not far from lack of proper documentation of personal details to the account.
The steps below can help beginners to maintain standard operation
1. Keep proper record of wallet or exchange used
2. Ensure that your email, password and private key are stored in safe place
3. Keep investing and transacting always
You can add your for proper information and reduction of sleeping account
I don't know if you have actually come across discussion here or glanced through the forum without hitting the word HODLing, I mean it's bitcoiners deliberately leaving their wallet and coin inactive avoiding anything that would make them spend or transact their coins so as to add value to the coin when the price reaches new heights. Although most cases of this kind of holders are big time Bitcoin owner that have lots of Bitcoin in their wallet.