I know it is a tough sell and that is why I am starting small and local.
1) You will get to know me face to face
2) You will always know where your equipment is at
3) You will (and this part I need to figure out how I want to work this out in the contract) but alway have access to your equipment within reason, like a 24 hour notice or some along those lines
Like I said it is just a feeler to see what kind of response I get. I am throwing out some basic parameters and depending on who responds and what their needs are we can work from there to get it started.
***Now for my way outside the box crazy thought of the night***
You can say that people may not trust me with their shiny new S7 and that's a fair statement, but yet they trust a foreign company in a country that the US could all of a sudden put an embargo on imports specifically on bitcoin miners coming from china. Now I know that sounds impossible, but the point is, if you miner is 20 minutes from your house you never have to worry about that. I know, I know, its crazy talk.
Anyways, thanks for feedback.