You seem to be interested in these stuff, so I thought maybe you could figure out which key belongs to the following public keys?
I don't know. But those points seems to be generated, based on public key coordinates alone. And if this is true, then probably nobody knows the private key.
After more optimizations, I noticed "p" and "n" values can be above or below some N-bit number. In this way, getting valid curves is faster, and it seems other curves were generated in a similar way, for example, for secp160k1, p-value is less than 2^160, but n-value is bigger:
p= 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffac73
That means, to reproduce secp256k1 more accurately, I adjusted my code, to jump above and below 2^N, and reached those results:
p= 0x3c7, n= 0x38b, base=(0x1, 0x58) 10-bit
p= 0x517, n= 0x4e1, base=(0x1, 0xc9) 11-bit
p= 0xf0d, n= 0xe9b, base=(0x3, 0x216) 12-bit
p= 0x1d71, n= 0x1cc9, base=(0x1, 0xe8d) 13-bit
p= 0x36f7, n= 0x366d, base=(0x1, 0xe4c) 14-bit
p= 0x7ef7, n= 0x8047, base=(0x1, 0x1dd) 15-bit n>p
p= 0xfe95, n= 0x1006f, base=(0x3, 0x754) 16-bit n>p
p= 0x1fe13, n= 0x200b3, base=(0x5, 0xd08c) 17-bit n>p
p= 0x3f7cf, n= 0x3f493, base=(0x1, 0x15df3) 18-bit
p= 0x7ffbd, n= 0x7fad1, base=(0x2, 0x2c4b9) 19-bit
p= 0xfdec7, n= 0xfd9e7, base=(0x1, 0x7d8f1) 20-bit
p= 0x1ffed3, n= 0x200467, base=(0x3, 0xf3ac1) 21-bit n>p
p= 0x3fff97, n= 0x3fefd7, base=(0x1, 0x1160c) 22-bit
p= 0x7fff63, n= 0x7ff58b, base=(0x3, 0x9de68) 23-bit
p= 0xfff373, n= 0xffd3f3, base=(0x2, 0x667b92) 24-bit
p= 0x1fff837, n= 0x1ffdfd7, base=(0x1, 0x41077d) 25-bit
p= 0x3ffff91, n= 0x40006c9, base=(0x1,0x16a2a43) 26-bit n>p
p= 0x7fff411, n= 0x80039a1, base=(0x1,0x19ca16e) 27-bit n>p
p= 0xfffde4f, n=0x1000112b, base=(0x1,0x48b772c) 28-bit n>p
p=0x1fffff87, n=0x20009e03, base=(0x1,0xba2ffd4) 29-bit n>p
Edit: Wow, that was fast, I didn't expect it. After optimizing finding base point, and applying Hasse to find "n" based on "p", I quickly reached next curves:
p= 0x3ffff667, n= 0x4000c14d, base=(0x1, 0x1d02cd83) 30-bit n>p
p= 0x7ffffc27, n= 0x8000b693, base=(0x1, 0x3c609f95) 31-bit n>p
p= 0xfffff9af, n= 0xfffe390b, base=(0x1, 0x3cad5d2d) 32-bit
p= 0x1fffffcdb, n= 0x200024263, base=(0x2, 0x8f2bfea7) 33-bit n>p
p= 0x3fffffaab, n= 0x3fffc2d67, base=(0x5, 0x380e7bb2) 34-bit
p= 0x7ffffc3ff, n= 0x80003f317, base=(0x1, 0xf1920375) 35-bit n>p
p= 0xffffffbfb, n= 0xffff821fb, base=(0x2, 0x6b7dd7925) 36-bit
p=0x1ffffff543, n=0x1ffff4cdd3, base=(0x2, 0xdd63ca1e7) 37-bit
p=0x3fffffb06b, n=0x3fffff8e9f, base=(0x3,0x174b7bc7bb) 38-bit
p=0x7fffff8397, n=0x800015bd47, base=(0x1,0x10c68c0112) 39-bit n>p