Why TRON (TRX)?TRON cryptocurrency was originally conceived as a platform for gaming and entertainment applications based on smart contracts. It has a large loyal audience, an active group in the Telegram, so projects on the TRON blockchain are developing rapidly and are gaining popularity.
TRON's blockchain has impressive transaction speeds and low fees. TRON also shows a positive trend in the growth rate.
AboutThis is the world's first 3D shooter, created using blockchain technology. It works in the browser on a computer and from a mobile phone (MathWallet). The gameplay is very simple and straightforward. To play, you need to appear on the field (Spawn). It costs 1 TRX. To move you need to click on the arrows near the player. The cost of one step - 0.1 TRX. To attack you need to come close to the enemy and click on the arrow (a gun will appear near the arrow). Attack cost - 0.5 TRX. If the player succeeds in attacking the enemy, he disappears from the field, and the player receives half of the prize pool.
The game is made using the most modern technologies, so 3D-graphics successfully work in Chrome with TronLink / TronPay, and on mobile devices with Math Wallet.
Contract source code verified -
https://tronsmartcontract.space/#/interact/TGiyZy47XfYZmaHeswascxgXbFBrZtAjk3TronScan -
https://tronscan.org/#/contract/TGiyZy47XfYZmaHeswascxgXbFBrZtAjk3I am happy to answer all the questions here, as well as in our groups in Telegram and Discord.