situation: some bozo on a forum decides to make an inflammatory and personally abusive response to one of your posts on a controversial subject
snappy comeback's :
as a rule all bitcointalk users are smart, intelligent, well mannered, and artistic specimens of a more highly evolved and refined breed of intellectual, the above has been an example of an exception which proves said rule, generated to test the functionality of our dumb*ss alert system. had this been an actual dumb*ss alert this message would have been preceded by a detailed list of infractions and a recommended course of action, including but not limited to euthanasia and sterilization of said infractor.
this is rather mediocre compared to the rest of my work, I do better work when given real circumstances. and of course if im giving it away as a free sample its not going to be my best.
oh, here's one I had to use myself recently and must say it was a very appropriate response, " It may appear as it I am doing nothing, however, upon closer inspection you will find that at the cellular level, im actually quite busy"
Some of these are pretty good! Very funny! You might have a good service here.