This pretty much means Gavincoin lies dead in the water and Bitcoin and everyone holding it would be rekt hardcore if xt would ever trigger a hardfork.
Both sides should stop hosting nodes for that shit. Gavin and Mike need to drop it at this point. XT gonna backfire. It failed with the release of 'notbitcoinxt'-software which was adopted at even faster rate than the Gavincoin-crap it is supposed to udermine.
I think you don't realize that this spoofing software was created by someone who does NOT like bitcoin xt. He wants to fake XT-nodes that look like XT but don't support bigger blocks.
Honestly, i don't have a clue what this could be good for. But i think the amount of users that use this software will be 1. The developer. It simply makes no sense. Except to make it possible to claim that all the XT nodes are fake and to claim that bitcoiners don't want bigger blocks in fact.