Quick background - I have a S4 on it's way, only have a windows 7 lappy for personal use which i was planning to control the S4 from if possible?
I've been reading everything I can on pools, firmware and mining software to be ready but I'm overwhelmed or just confused about what I actually need to use!
I'm not a programmer just have stage 1 computer science at uni under my belt so was hoping to have a GUI and would love to monitor my miner by mobile phone.
I'm looking at Minera atm - Is this something I can use? It's not actually the miner itself is it? It's just a web based GUI for CGminer?
I would like to get myself familiar with the programs I will be using but still don't actually know what programs I need...
I saw that there was a S4 folder in the CGminer filehosting site? Do I need this?
As you can tell I'm in over my head here for sure any help is appreciated!
Thats an awfully confusing post. You'd be wasting your time and money by getting a RasPI or anything. Antminers all have a built-in controller. Your laptop is more than fine, the miner already has a built-in gui that you connect to by simply putting the unit's IP into your web browser.
TLDR: No and No. You need 0 additional hardware. 0 additional software. All you need is a Ethernet cable to plug it into the router.
Thanks mate! I was seriously confused yesterday!
I've got my s4 now and trying to sort it all out now! I'm already hitting walls lol
Well feel free to ask for support here, you're in the right forum subsections for getting mining support.
I have a S4 myself so it should be pretty easy to guide you if you're stuck somewhere.