Then, why you think it looks good that maybe profitable? What the difference with another coins or even compare to bitcoin as well.
Last thing, what do you mean about website-whitepaper are "on point"? This is still brand new and a lot to learn about, so share your thoughts that maybe inspired people.
Mostly, I love the fact that it is available in two versions: DIMCOIN and DIM Currencies. The DIMCOIN is a coin that can be exchanged against other cryptocurrencies, while the value of the respective DIM Currency is equivalent to the fiat currency that it is exchanged from. And their DIM Ecosystem offers services such as cryptonisation (virtualisation) of equity, trading in cryptonised shares and assets, cryptocurrency exchanges, crypto-fiat currency exchanges, e-commerce, debit card purchases, business transactions, and commodity trading.
One more coin who is trying to start a commodity trading and exchange facility, i will be watching its progress because their are so many new altcoins coming with same projects , and i am investing in all as i dont wanted to miss this good opportunity.