I think people forget just how many scrypt meme clone coins came out during the launch time period of Doge coin.
LOTS !There was no reason why Kitteh coin or some other could not have taken off
A key part of the history of Doge was the context of it's launch.
The crypto user demographic started to swing hard with a younger age in late 2013.
I base that assertion on 2 things the general across the internet activity and the forum here.
What i seen on all the regular non-crypto web sites across the web was a sudden and intense spam campaign by people acting like deceitful lying children.. spamming hard that Doge is just about to dethrone Bitcoin so get on the train now so you don't miss out.. while speaking in lots of "Doge speak" of course.
Deceitful because they either knew that was a lie or had no real reason to think so.
It was a massive facade.. simply to lure in more coin buyers into the meme-pyramid scheme token system.
It worked too !
This board was flooded by kids.
They treated this board like 4chan and would drop name calling and lame jpeg's non stop.
This proves it..
Re: Why Doge coin is badDo take note the Bobsled team got 10k in Doge coin donations and they forgot to mention Doge in the media at all when they finished last in the Olympics.
So they tried a Nascar paint job for 1 race for $45,000.00 which i am sure Trailer Trash around the globe were fumbling over themselves to "invest" in Doge coins wonderful trolling brat idiot "community"
..what else would they be investing in ? The stolen tech from Litecoin etc ?
You will also notice all of those idiots and mostly noob accounts are long silent.
I put each and every one of them in their place for 55 pages and called the exact day of Doge's demise.
I posted a jpeg from Cryptsy showing the price arc and said i am calling it.. here and now it goes down !
And it did !
I explained why too
Profits.Mining and dumping profitability had reached par or was less than many other newer coins.
the exodus had begun.Later the main dev of Doge coin announced publicly he was leaving the project because of a lack of community support.As i predicted on that topic i just linked to as well.I said all along from the early Doge ANN topic on.. that the community was a charade.
It was simply a lot of people jumping on Doge to *try* and make money off it.
Which sure as hell does not constitute a community in my books.Some people invest wisely.. some are here throwing their money away.
Want to know what a good investment is ?
Avoid this forum and Google it.