where by if someone calculates they owe say $20k
the could buy $20k of a stable coin and then send the $20k out to the 10 addresses in fractions of their own choosing to area's that mean most to them.
what thoughts would people have. also. give an example of how you would allot a $10k tax bill
and link the tx ID and a signed message of proof .. to show they paid their taxes..
firstly proces they pay it. secondly lets them 'vote' for things that mean most to them
First of all, to be able to properly spend this money, you need
E.D.U.C.A.T.I.O.N.Education must be our number one priority along health. Also education includes that you have to eat to be alive, not to live to just eat. And in this last case I mean how people are addicted to junkfood everyday that causes a lot of health issues. This is serious problem especially in USA.
The good subject to discuss is Medicine, why? Because what happens now is totally fatal. At first to my mind all of these viruses and etc are created manually in order to make money from it, to die some part of people and etc.
Mental health <-- children on stimulants from childhood, on anxiety meds and etc <-- it kills their brain, milk and pills don't mix! Just see, a number of depression increases, at the same time I want to mention that most population lacks Magnesium (it's removed from water and etc), they lack D vitamins... Pharma become a huge business and in this case doctors don't work on fixing the problem, they are just adding band-aid on problem that fades as time goes and situation becomes 100x worse.
Why do I have to pay tax if I live in a house? Government is great at collecting taxes but doesn't give a fuck someone lives in the street.
World's 26 richest people own as much as poorest 50% <-- Is this fair? (You can see article on TheGuardian).
Why do we need military services, soldiers? I hugely doubt you want a war with my neighbor and can say the same on me. You don't even know each other and probably you prefer to stay at home with your family and have a good day, why do we have wars? This is because of some people who get pleasure from it and launder money.
Personally I like how you spent money on your list, wouldn't edit it for a while.
Education is great and all, but just throwing money at a problem isn't going to fix it. Many people think -- o if we just increase the budget for certain government programs everything would get better. In theory, this may be true, but at the end of the day this money may not be spent efficient in the least. We must ensure that when we're providing money to any program, that it is spent efficient and it helps the most amount of people -- cause what good is throwing all this money at a problem if we're not doing anything productive with it.
I think this is pretty evident when it comes to things like charitable organizations, who donations billions upon billions to a problem and we don't always see a benefit. Maybe the funds aren't spent appropriately, maybe enough isn't being spent on a problem, maybe the only thing that can fix a problem is a change in attitude or how we do things, not just money being thrown around.
I'm all for providing the best education to the children, the hardest part is finding out what works and what doesn't. We should be spending our money on pilot programs to see what works, then try to test this on a large scale.
Also -- parent involvement is a very big factor in determining if you're going to be successful in education -- obviously there are many more, but if your parent is on top of your education and involved in your love you're going to have a better chance to succeed (statistically)