Montrachet, democratizing blockchain asset managementDifferent Types Of Staking MechanismsRegular Proof of Stake (PoS)As mentioned above, regular proof of stake (PoS) was introduced in 2011. In a
regular proof-of-stake system the creator of the next block is selected in a random
process containing various combinations of wealth or age ( i.e., the stake) not by
computing power as in the case of proof of work.
Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS)Daniel Larimer, the founder of Bitshares, Steemit and EOS, created DPoS
consensus algorithm in 2014 as an extension to regular proof of stake with the
objective of solving the perceived scaling issues associated with proof of work.
DPoS essentially seeks to raise transaction speed and block creation without
compromising the decentralized incentive structure of the blockchain. The DPoS
algorithm does this in a democratic manner by creating a voting system that is
directly dependent on the delegates’ reputation. Therefore, if an elected node fails
to behave properly (in line with the rules), it will be quickly expelled and replaced
by another one. As you may have imagined, Bitshares, Steemit and EOS operate
on a DPoS system.
Leased Proof of Stake (LPoS)In May 2017 Leased Proof of Stake (LPoS) was introduced and implemented in
the Waves project. This consensus mechanism is essentially similar to the regular
proof of stake except users have the option of leasing their staking ability to
someone else. Users must ‘lease’ a minimum amount of coins to nodes that are
considered to be high quality (similar to masternodes) and in return earn a
percentage of the payout as a reward.
Bonded Proof-of-Stake (BPoS)Bonded proof of stake (BPoS) is very similar to the leased proof of stake protocol
except for any number of users may set aside part of their stake (i.e., bond) in
order to influence block generation. BPoS was first introduced by projects such as
Cosmos and IRISn.
Masternode Proof of StakeIntroduced in 2019, Masternode Proof of Stake (MPoS) is similar to regular proof of
stake in many ways except we are dealing with extremely large stakers, which due
to their size, obtain extra privileges and rewards over normal regular stakers.
As may be implied by the name, a masternode is a well-connected node that
renders a valuable service to the community by maintaining an up-to-date copy
of the entire blockchain. In return for taking on this responsibility and for
committing to stake a significant number of coins, they receive a regular fixed
reward and may even receive up to 45% of the block reward.
Since a masternode is materially invested (and have so much more skin in the
game than a regular proof-of-stake node) they are considered more trustworthy
because they also stand to lose much more if they attempt to become malicious.
Masternodes are usually paired with regular proof of stake or proof of work such
as in DASH.
Zerocoin stakingZerocoin staking is essentially regular proof of stake except it is completely
anonymous. Currently, Zerocoin staking is specific to PIVX cryptocurrency.
More info about staking is available on our whitepaper :