
Topic: SoHo Token Labs // Smart Contract Audits // (Former QSP + Brave) (Read 93 times)

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SoHo Token Labs, Inc.

SoHo Token Labs, Inc. is a boutique cyber-security firm focusing primarily on auditing smart contracts. With decades of combined experience in application security, reverse engineering, and static analysis -- SoHo Token Labs is primed to deliver the best in smart contract auditing, at an affordable rate.

For further information, visit our website at



Jonathan Haas is the co-founder and CEO of SoHo Token Labs. Previously, Haas was the Head of Security Auditing at Quantstamp ($31M ICO), founded the offensive security "Red Team" program at Snap (IPO), and ran Corporate Security at NerdWallet. He presents at conferences around the world, as well as leading roundtable discussions for security professionals on smart contract security, application security best practices and penetration testing.



Elissa Shevinsky is the co-founder and COO of SoHo Token Labs. She helped launch Geekcorps (acquired), Everyday Health (IPO), and Brave ($35M ICO.) Shevinsky's introduction to cryptocurrency can be attributed to her adoption of bitcoin for payments at Glimpse, an encrypted messaging startup that she founded in 2013. Shevinsky is an international speaker on security topics, and the Editor of "Lean Out."

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