Sola will offer every user the chance to earn income through their social media platform.
SOL token is the only currency that is used for transactions on the Sola platform and the tokens enable Sola to split its revenue with users. Owning a token doesn’t have any other benefits other than monetary.
People can get a hold of the SOL tokens in different ways. Firstly on the Sola app, users can earn tokens by creating quality content that is endorsed by other users. Every card or comment the user posts that will be endorsed by others will earn them income.
If users are interested in improving the Sola platform and the app, they can take part in the Bounty Development Program where it is possible to promote the service and increase distribution while earning SOL tokens at the same time.
The other way to earn SOL tokens outside the app is to buy them during the current token sale that will end on 22 of December 2017. After the token sale, SOL tokens will be available for saving in your wallet or for trading on the crypto-exchanges.
Currently, it is possible to purchase SOL tokens with a 15% discount, so don’t miss your chance to get the best deal in one of the highest rated investment opportunities.
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