In the begining of 20th century russian space biologist Alexander Chizhevsky has suggested theory of heliobiology. According this theory sun cycles affect energy coming to Earth and human behaviour. more humanity is globalized, the more precise is supposed to be correlation between human activity and the sun cycles.
All energy on our planet is basically coming from a Sun and Space. In form of sunlight, plants, animals and even radioactive elements, which can be fused in nuclear reactions. Just all energy is stored in different sources.
Humanity needs energy for its activity.
If you take a look on human population density: irradiation map: global precipitation map: will find out that population density is not correlated to ecnomics, development, political form of government etc. etc.
but it is completely correlated with two parameters - water and Sun.
To be precise - biomass is correlating with water and Sun. So, in Amazonia human density is not that high, because other biomass is present.
So, we can see that there is a strong correlation of precipitation and Sun activity geographically.
So, what is about the correlation in time? one matters. Years 2012-2014 were the years of one of the highest global solar activity maximums. This has correlated with highest development of humanity, technologies development, economics growths etc.
What is economcis after all and what is economics involvement?
Basically economics is a way to exchange human energy between each other for making something good, some common good things.
The more people are involved in economics (donate their energy in exchange of money) the more resources society can invest into its development.
But where is this energy is coming from?
At least it si coming from food and energy for food is coming directly from the Sun. I would also say, as you know, with wines, year of the food production and Sun energy have direct impact on how much energy is stored in food. So, the same cucumber (it s well known for wines and grapes) from different years can have different amounts of energy and different nutrients concentrations.
On top of food, the energy, probably can come directly from the Sun. Science is not yet describing it very well.
There are some pseudoscientific movements, like this: after I have read information about this movement, I started to get interested in scientific part of the question.
Scientific part is that there is a melanine, produced by melanocytes in response to sunlight. Melanin is able to polymerize and get stored.
On system analysis level I would say that any compound, that is produced as reaction to sunlight will have higher enthalpy and energy stored than its precursors. So, theoretical possibility that we can get energy directly from the Sun and store it in melanocytes is not far from being the truth.
So, what is about solar activity correlation with economics cycles?
I would say it is direct as well as actually correlation of mood of people.
This winter was quite bad in Moscow, no sunlight, dark days, depressive mood. So, people get tired and anxient by whatever reason they invent to themselves, but without notice of main reason - weather.
So, what can we predict about economics crisis then?
There is no economics crisis. There is just a lack of Sunlight, because Sun activity is going down until 2020. So economics situation is supposed to get worse in 2018 than in 2017, in 2019 than in 2018 and winter 2020 will be the worst.
This is not dependent on what politicians and other so called leaders say, because they do not manage solar activity yet.
But activity from Sun can be turned not only into good things, but into bad things also.
If people during winter/lack of resources period are convinced by someone, that their problem is not a weather, but bad president, bad government, bad neighbours or anyone else, they will store anger and negative feelings inside themselves. So, when energy comes to a system, they will use their energy on fighting, rather than on collaboration.
So, it is important to bear in mind next things then:
1. Weather affects mood of people more than they think and sometimes there is no need to blame other people for their actions, because they were mostly affected by the weather.
2. Be prepared to more crisis in 2018-2020, food price rise, prices rise overall etc.
Can it be solved anyhow? Yes, first part of solution is understanding what is going on and what will happen in the future.
So, less Sun activity means less movement (by whatever reason).
So, people think they start moving less because of laws, prices etc., but in fact on systems level this will caused by lack of energy in the system and all these politicians, bankers, business leaders, freemasons (btw, I ve found explanations of most of freemasonry symbols from astrology, which is coming from egyptian astrologysts) or whoever just act according to solar cycles and weather changes. Not the opposite way.
In Autumn 2016 authorities iintroduced an additional tax on Ryanair, which has lead to closure of Rygger airport and has downregulated air traffic significantly. So, was the some decision, which was rational and logical, was it avoidable? No, that was unavoidable as well as sanctions against Russia and all this stuff.
More such things will come during the next autumn. Less transportation, more limitations etc. More constraints, more difficulties. But obviously some positive things and some growth in Spring-Summer (depending of course on whom and how manages the energy).
So, if you can be prepared, you can bear in mind that our planet is completely managed by external events.