
Topic: Solarmoon LLc. (Read 43 times)

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October 27, 2021, 02:32:37 PM
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Decentralized contributions are voted on through our token ecosystem, contributing to the cleaning of our blockchain and rewarding of the community

Solar Moon Multi-chain Ecosystem

Binance Smart Chain

Our Binance Smart Chain token is the original token for our project and the current largest part of our token community. The Binance Smart Chain token can be used to vote on contributions to our project through decentralized community vote as well as purchase VC funded hashrate and clean energy.

Polygon Network

Our Polygon Network token will be trade-able soon after our initial airdrop coming soon to our commuity. This token will have the same opportunities as our BSC token. The Polygon Network allows for even more tech development and the overall growth of our multi-chain ecosystem by allowing the participation of a whole new network.

Example of a 2 MW Solar Rig

See our Lite Paper for an in Depth View


Solar Moon prides itself on being a decentralized, community platform above all else! Our community is the backbone that runs the entirety of our project. We have no formal governance or leader. We have only contributing community members that work and vote together to see through our common objective of cleaning up the blockchain through our solar mining operations.

A Centralized Platform

- Decisions are solely made by a controlling entity.
- The community has no say in the outcome of the project.
-Funds are payed through a central party that determines placement of community funds.
- These projects rely on an entity for governance that oversees and operates the entirety or majority of a project without help from the community as a whole.

Solar Moon’s Decentralized Platform

- The Solar Moon community will vote on each aspect of our project, with votes weighted based on the amount of Solar Moon one holds.
- Solar Moon operates on it’s own by building up our platform as a community rather than through a central decision maker.
- Solar Moon only distributes funds through Kraken based on community votes.

Solar Moon Dao/Dapp

Our cross-chain ecosystem is being combined with decentralized voting as well as the decentralized tracking of the hashrate from our projects and rewards to our community based on voted upon contributions. This software is being rolled out as we build out the real world solar mining project. Voting from all sides of our multi-chain platform will vote upon the amount of community funds used to contribute into our project as the community sees fit for any given time. This allows us to remain fully dececentralized and keep liquidity in mind when selling tokens for project contribution. Voting on marketing expenditures and other aspects of the token ecosystem will also be done through these decentralized platforms.

Solar Moon LLCs

Solar Moon LLC
This is the official organization for the blockchain side of our project
This LLC will become an official Decentralized Autonomous Organization in Wyoming through our Polygon network DAO
The structuring of this LLC was done with the focus on decentralizing our project from a token perspective allowing us to abide by United States security laws while allowing our community to have voting power on decisions made for the token side of our project
Both our Binance Smart Chain token and Polygon token operate under this LLC

Solar Moon Holdings LLC

The Solar Moon Holdings LLC is the official organization for the land and development side of our project
It is entirely separated from the token side of our project to allow the legal ownership of land and equipment in the United States
This side of our project is also responsible for the raising and holding of Venture Capital funds
This company allows for many more avenues of raised capital and asset management for our solar mining operations
Project Flow

Virtual Power Plants and Net Metering

Virtual Power Plants
We plan to build a network of smaller solar systems  along side our solar mining operations which will produce clean energy that can be sent back to the grid and accounted for as one virtual power plant. These will be primarily funded from Venture Capital and will offer the clean energy to at home miners at a much cheaper rate than the utility.

Virtual Net Metering Software

Virtual net metering is a developing industry that is being adopted by utilities and municipalities around the world. We are developing blockchain based virtual net metering software which can track energy in a transparent and verifiable way. Blockchain based virtual net metering software will allow us to track the production of our virtual power plant while transporting it through the grids.

Residential Green Mining

This process allows us to sell discounted clean energy to our community without the need for solar power on someone's property. Paired with the efficient and affordable miners we will be offering to our community this clean energy can substantially contribute to a larger scale cleaning of blockchains especially when implemented with other existing clean energy projects.

Verified Carbon Offsets

What are carbon offsets
Carbon offsets are credits that are given to projects that produce green energy and offset our carbon footprint. These carbon credits are typically purchased by large corporations to contribute to the production of clean energy in order to offset the impact they make on our carbon footprint many fortune 500 companies continue to strive for a 100% carbon neautral impact through the use of carbon offsets.

Innovating the future of verifiable carbon offsets
Carbon offsets are very hard to track in a transparent matter with the way energy production is currently transferred to utilities. Creating a verifiable, decentralized blockchain based virtual net metering system allows our project as well as other clean energy projects in the future to have an honest open way of showing the exact source of their electricity while also allowing a more efficient flow of electricity.

Solar Moon Utility

The Solar Moon token is the official currency for the Solar Moon ecosystem. All blockchain versions of Solar Moon can be used to buy any of the products offered through our clean energy platform along with the ability to contribute to our projects with community funds based on decentralized voting and getting rewards based on those contributions as a community.

Rent Hashrate

A portion of the VC funded solar mining equipment will be available to rent at the most affordable rates on the market due to the solar incentives we recieve. This is on top of the crypto rewards already offered to our community!

Buy Solar Energy

With the future implementation of virtual solar power grids and blockchain based virtual net metering software, token holders will be able to purchase clean energy to mine with without having on site solar.

Purchase GPUs

Token holders will also be able to purchase efficient and affordable GPUs to mine with from home. These GPUs will pair nicely with the solar energy we offer. You may already contact us if you are interested in purchasing GPUs just like the ones we use!

Meet the Team

Peter Perlitz
Head of Web Development and Solar Installation

Has ran multiple solar teams in the northeast United States
With over 1000 solar installs between him and his team he knows what it means to make an impact on the environment
Experience in free lance work with WordPress
web design, has built multiple web sites for businesses

John Pilling
Business and Land Development

Licensed Mortgage broker in NJ with years of experience in real estate
Venture Capital Expert
Also has years of experience with solar

Damola Fayemi
Mining Operations

Years of experience building PCs
Current student at the University of Michigan
Overseas networking

Joshua Scott
Internal operations

Degrees in both finance and engineering
Solar knowledge and experience
Coding c++ and Python

Our Community
Project Decision Makers

As a fully decentralized platform our community members are the sole decision makers for our project
Our holders vote on each action that is decided for Solar Moon, based on the amount of Solar Moon they hold
Our amazing community is active on telegram, discord and other social media platforms
BSC Tokenomics

2% Liquidity
2% of each transaction is liquidity locked to ensure value

2% Distributed
2% of each transaction is redistributed to the holders of Solar Moon

6% to Project
6% of each transaction is set aside to contribute to our project based on decentralized vote.

The Road Map
Q4 2021
- Finish the development of our decentralized solar platform on the BSC and Polygon networks
- Complete the airdrop of Polygon tokens to make trading live on our new network
- Complete land research for our first project
-  Raise Venture Capital to contribute to a larger scale timely growth of our project and ecosystem

Q1 2022
- Acquire multiple properties under our Solar Moon Holdings LLC
- Continual Development of our blockchain based virtual net metering software
- Start the design of our first solar field
- List on exchanges and continue the development of the decentralization of our project
- Submit applications for our solar projects

Q2 2022
-Installation of Solar and Miners on the Solar Moon Holdings LLC properties
- Integration of our mining and production tracking software
- The beginning of crypto rewards to our community for our decentralized contributions to our project
- The beginning of the implementation of carbon offsets to our ecosystem allowing another avenue for growth for our token and project

Q3 2022
- Development and implementation of our clean energy mining pools and hashrate rental software, making use of vc project portions and other clean energy mining around the world
- Completion and implementation of our blockchain based virtual net metering software with the virtual power plant networks we create
- The offering of clean hashrate rental, off site solar power purchasing and the pairing of this clean energy with at home miners will be implemented

Get in Touch with the Team
If you have any questions about our project please feel free to reach out. We will typically respond within 1-2 business days.

[email protected]
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