I'm selling the mobile site
- EcuaCel is a Latin American community (in Spanish): Chat, PM, downloads, news [
- 100% mobile xHTML 1.2
- About 30.000 hits per day
- At the moment, it doesn't have ads and it doesn't generate any income. It can be easily modified to include ads.
- Included: Domains ecuacel.net and ecuacel.mobi, registered in 2006 and 2007 respectively
- Included everything related with the site: PHP scripts, MySQL DB (structure and data), ...
- I can transfer the whole site working, server included. The buyer must pay for the server rent (to eSecureData), or move to a new server
- Over 100k users registered
- Over 2k users have verified their email address (newly added process).
- Escrow is OK
- Original thread in Spanish:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/vendo-pagina-y-dominios-ecuacelmobi-y-ecuacelnet-vendido-413649- Proof of property:
http://ecuacel.mobi/ecuamobi/Please post any offer (
BTC) or questions.