No, not yet successfully. :-( Been trying the stratum proxy but I am stumped. I am running bitcoin .8.5. I'm just trying it a portion of my hashes right now but it cuts the speed in half. If I throw 60 I get 30, if I throw 100 I get 35. It appears to be diminishing returns.
When you say 60 do you mean 60Ghs? Right now I'm solo mining with 38 BE's and getting around 12Ghs. I guess I can't speak to 60 to 100Ghs as I don't have that much hash rate.
But I did increase the Queue to 60 in the CGMiner UI and that does seem to help keep my BE's busy most of the time. It will leak shares to other pools in my list on block changes but the rest of the time they seem to keep really busy.
I kind of refuse to use pool software to do this task. But the Stratum proxy may be something I may look at in the future. But so far Bitcoin-QT .85 seems to be working fairly well with the 12 to 19Ghs I have.