I do not believe I will ever win a block. with 15gh.
my cost for that 1/62000 chance is .0004026 btc . this is what those 15gh earn when they mine in a pool.
that is .23 cents so for .23 cents I can win about 14000 dollars.
now I mine in a pool the other 6 days. I earn 6 x .23 cents = 1.38 in the week or 5.25 a week
power cost to mine is 3.30 a month. so right now this setup is making 2 dollars a month profit.
the sticks have roi'd. so that cost is 0. I run the router and switches for other mining .
I use a mac mini to do this and that runs 24/7/365 for other work. So my results are 2 dollar a month profit and 4 or 5 days where I can win a block outright.
solo mining works for every one if they are making a profit with pool mining. just need to figure how often to solo mine
this is why no major pool wants the secret to get out as it will hurt them. Most people just don't get the math of this and mine in pools.
you need to solo mine with gear that turns a profit for a small part of the time.
deciding what percent is important.
Bitsolo have not found a block since that individual got lucky in June. I do like just 50 gh/s there too, its like if you hit you hit, if not no big deal. Just a scratch off lotto ticket