Hello, ı am explain for you. Two hash system not effect without random, because if attacker know miner/hash rate attacker is win, but if not know (with random (miners select hash with random mechanic, anyminer work on the first hash or second hash)) attackers can not attack because, if not know, most probably end of mining procces, the honest miner find one hash (first hash or second hash) and attacker find one hash, this situation first hash merkle root and secon hash merkle root is not equal
The way you explain it is like differing the "honest miner" with the "attacker". If the attacker can't change an old block and then work on extending the chain, then how the honest nodes verify the chain? As for the merkle root, what exactly do you mean, I don't get you. Two different merkle roots? Why? This means different transactions, which doesn't make sense.
so consensus is breaked, and nodes add the hash algorithm sha256("breaked consensus") and restart mining
So they add
09ff5c75b871c0687e04e08952d9b0d494cd36b56edf776ae0b02323d067707e and then restart mining? Can you explain that too?
Each miner randomly determines the hash (first or second hash) miner wants to solve.
Okay. What prevents an attacker from changing a transaction x blocks deep. The randomness you describe doesn't solve this problem as long as the attacker simply starts mining no matter the new blocks that are coming.
First ıf there is no attacker, if all miners are honest, a different chain will not appear anyway, all miners that solve hashes will send the same merkle root blockchain. Why do I add the blockchain merkle root because when I add honor, I can compare the blockchain miners will send (it doesn't matter bad or good), so if someone wants to add a different chain, i.e. if they want to cheat the network, I can detect it and start the process again.
Second be careful why I start it a second time, if the hashes of the miners are different from the blockchain merkle roots, the consensus is broken and in this case I prevent the block addition and start the process again, so if an attacker does not make the correct guess, that much expense will be wasted, here is the problem, how is the same hash two times they find it directly copy and paste. To prevent this, I add a text to the hash algorithm in consensus breakdowns, so there are two new hashes that can be found.
lastly the likelihood of the attacker's fending off process failing is that if the attacker cannot predict with great accuracy which hash other miners will solve, in all probability other honest miners find at least one hash, and the consensus is broken because the merkle root of the hash of honest miners and bad miners do not match, in this case The entire cost of the attacker was rubbish, this is a very dangerous rate, it is very difficult for the attacker to reach this randomly adjusted rate