
Topic: Solutions for instant deposits (Read 750 times)

Activity: 80
Merit: 10
November 25, 2013, 05:04:29 AM

i am trying to find some ways to accept instant deposits - it seems not problematic to accept unconfirmed funds in singleplayer games where player bet against probability and can withdraw when has confirmed deposit only but in multiplayer games you can't allow instant deposit since it would mess up whole system.

I found these solutions
green addresses - i found very old thread where it says that Mt.Gox support this - is it still true today?
third party wallets api - like transactions between wallets (dead now i know) - is there some other wallet allowing this?

I know that there will not be 100% trusted way to accept instant deposits but is there any other way to accept payments in faster way then waiting for 1 2 3 4... confirmations?
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