From your gif, you tried to send 0.00587398
BTC to the address 1P17dajRnDMecHpMsUARgZpuwJUxScSJgu. You had a balance of 0.01814206
Checking the
transaction ID, you really sent the ~0.0058
BTC to the 1P17dajRnDMecHpMsUARgZpuwJUxScSJgu address (is this the address you tried to send the $20?). The 0.01184615
BTC sent back to you is just the change. Which means that there is nothing wrong about it.
To understand what is the "Change" in a Bitcoin transaction, read this:
https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/ChangeWhat is the address of the user you are trying to send the $20? From the transactions above you:
Sent ~$20 once to 1P1dEoLDxnGQghGhTVq9h9gx3WJTQ5x3tL
Sent ~$20 once to 1P17dajRnDMecHpMsUARgZpuwJUxScSJgu
Are any of them the address the user sent you? Because from your gif, you sent the coins to the second address and they really arrived.