Can't blockchain load through Safari?
Well, then there's this solution, blockchain via web interface on iOS 6's Safari...
Thx Apple.
PS. I'll try safari, hope it has PW memory.
I don't know for how much you got them, but if you did so a bit after their release, you also spent quite a bit of money, as there are no "free lunches" in what concerns Apple devices. Apple enforces updates because they want all their users to be secure. If that's the best policy or not... I'm not sure But it works for them (they're not winning any money if you keep their old devices, so might as well make you buy a newer one or switch). As for kids with expensive devices, I also don't think it makes much sense, but whatever...
If you're looking for devices with long term support from their maker, switching to Android will make everything worse for you If you value and don't mind using community updates, then awesome choice.
Anyways, back on topic I don't think Safari on iOS 6 had PW memory.