Fail at coding my private to public key converter script for Bitcoin (Secp256k1)
Currently going through the book "Programming Bitcoin by Jimmy Song", got stuck on page 61 (Chapter 3), but completed the exercise 5 from chapter 3. You can view the source code:
here or in
Github .
Even though the book is great for understanding cryptographic different concepts, highly abstracted OOP code from the book makes it somewhat harder to gaining the intuition of the fundamental low-level concepts behind key principles. That's why apart from completing exercises, I like to also code my own procedural functions that solve the same problems.
I've tried to code an ECC Secp256k1 priv-to-pub key conversion function, but my implementation... just doesn't work.
It converts numbers incorrectly.
The code for the script is down below, I've highlighted the part where the function stops
#Secp256k1 Bitcoin private to public key converter script
a = 0
b = 7
#Order of the finite field
prime = 2**256 - 2**32 - 977
#G coordinates
gx = 0x79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798
gy = 0x483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8
#Order of the group G
n = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141
#n -1 => is the number of all possible private keys
privateKey = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364140
def addition(currentX, currentY, gx, gy, a, b, prime):
if gy == 0:
return (None, None)
elif currentX is None and currentY is None:
return (gx, gy)
elif currentX == gx and currentY != gy:
return (None, None)
elif currentX == gx and currentY == gy and currentY == 0:
return (None, None)
elif currentX == gx and currentY == gy:
s1 = (3 * pow(gx, 2, prime) + a) % prime
s2 = (gy * 2) % prime
s = (s1 * pow(s2, (prime - 2), prime)) % prime
currentX = (s ** 2 - 2 * gx) % prime
currentY = (s * (gx - currentX) - gy) % prime
elif currentX != gx:
s1 = (currentY - gy)
s2 = (currentX - gx)
s = (s1 * pow(s2, (prime - 2), prime)) % prime
currentX = ((s ** 2) - gx - currentX) % prime
currentY = ((s * (gx - currentX)) - gy) % prime
return (currentX, currentY)
def secp256k1BinaryExpansion(privateKey, gx, gy, a, b, prime):
if pow(gy, 2, prime) != (pow(gx, 3, prime) + a * gx + b) % prime:
return "The point is not on the curve"
coef = privateKey
currentX, currentY = gx, gy
resultX, resultY = None, None
while coef:
if coef & 1:
resultX, resultY = addition(resultX, resultY, currentX, currentY, a, b, prime)
currentX, currentY = addition(currentX, currentY, currentX, currentY, a, b, prime)
coef >>= 1
return (resultX, resultY)
#privateKey, gx, gy, a, b, prime
#Smaller numbers (Not Secp256k1). Right output for this is: (116, 55)
print(secp256k1BinaryExpansion(8, 47, 71, a, b, 223))
#Test case 2
priv = 0x45300f2b990d332c0ee0efd69f2c21c323d0e2d20e7bfa7b1970bbf169174c82
xPub, yPub = secp256k1BinaryExpansion(priv, gx, gy, a, b, prime)
xPub, yPub = xPub, yPub
print("Public key coordinates:", xPub,",", yPub)
#The right values for test case 2:
#x = 40766947848522619068424335498612406856128862642075168802372109289834906557916
#y = 70486353993054234343658342414815626812704078223802622900411169732153437188990
#Test case 2.1. Full Pulic key for test case 2:
print("Public key (hex), (Uncompressed) :", "04" + (str(hex(xPub)[2:])) + (str(hex(yPub)[2:])))
#The right public key (Uncormpressed):
print("Public key (hex), (Compressed) :", "02" + (str(hex(xPub)[2:])))
#The right public key (Compressed):
Link for the scriptThe main function uses "Binary expansion" technique, but it seems like the problem lies in the "Addition" function that doesn't have it.
To see some results I copied OOP code from the book, refactored it a bit uploaded to github and it works: to debug the 1st code by myself, but failed. If you could help, I'd appreciate it!
Edit 1: Updated the code, here on GitHub. Works for big numbers but works correctly for small numbers.
In test case 2 coordinates for public key are right, but the public key itself is wrong
Edit 2: I've refactored the script once again and everything works now. The test case 1 values in the comments were incorrect and now it outputs the right values. Also the public key outputs are also working properly.
Thanks for your help!