User information
mtab3000 (-1 | ↓)
This user has violated our terms of use and was therefore banned.
Member since: 2013-06-16
Location: Germany
ID verification: Not verified.
Feedback (-1 | ↓)
SCAMMER!! After receiving units doesn't want to release escrow!
USB ASICMINER 336 MH/s Block Erupter. Stock! Free shipping 5+!
BitAddict (+13 | ↑)
did you get your bitcoin?
Yes, I got them yesterday. Thanks bitmit
I will be carefull with big orders, I don't want to get stuck like this any other time. I was feeling so angry/stupid fighting for something is mine and not knowing was going to happen.
Whats his adress? Iam based in germany and might be able to visit him!
I don't know if this is a good idea. Is it ok if a give all his private info here?
I sent 25 btc from my bitmit wallet yesterday and they are not being sent. Messages to support not being answered. Rather frustrating to say the least...
Yes, they always answer before 24h. They're always really kind with me, even for stupid questions
You will have your money back, maybe it was just one error or something.
Whats his adress? Iam based in germany and might be able to visit him!
Thanks a lot for the offer, you made me smile and feel good. But it is not needed now