I am not able to connect the worker running the cgminer to the solo mining server running dogecoind.
I tried to run cgminer from the same computer running the server and from another one in my LAN, but without any success.
Whenever i launch the cgminer it gets stuck "Probing for an alive pool" as if the address was wrong (witch isn't) or the rpc credentials are (witch are in fact correct too).
I tried to port scan the server with another pc in my lan and it's not showing any open 8336 or 8337 port (these are the ports I used...).
I forwarded the ports to my server using the router administration panel. Guess what? Still not working and no open 8332 port after port scan.
Btw here's what i did:
-Compiled the wallet and set it to be always running as server ( ./dogecoind -server -datadir=path/to/datadir ). Here's my config for the dogecoin wallet:
cat $HOME/.dogecoin/dogecoin.conf
The wallet is working (i can send/receive payments and getmininginfo returns correct and updated information) but there is no way to connect the cgminer and solo mine on the damn wallet.
From the same pc
./cgminer -o stratum+tcp// -u test -p 1234 -other-options-blabla
From the other pc in my lan:
./cgminer -o stratum+tcp// -u test -p 1234 -other-options-blabla
In both cases the cgminer gets stuck at "Probing for an alive Pool". Given i can't see any listening 8336 or 8337 ports when I portscan, i'm thinking there's something wrong in my net configuration. What could be other than the usual port forwarding from the router (i've done this yet) ? Maybe some software firewall within ubuntu?
EDIT: Ubuntu 14.04