* Add some tea/herbs in a cup
* Pour some boiled water in the cup
* You may add some good honey, milk etc and tea is ready!
— They complicate it this way (making it hard & intimidating for others to learn):
* Add a fraction of tea/herbs in a small cylindrical shaped object
* Pour 100°C of H₂O in the cylindrical object
* You may add a fraction of non-synthetic sweetener, milk, C25H22O10 etc
, and the cataur is ready!
Lots of things I see them trying to teach or explain to others can really be simplified.
Wish people salaries/wages also depend on whether others(consumers) understand what they teach or build for them
If we're making this analogy we should imagine not having concept of tea or water. If we're learning about new technologies, it should be explained in technical details.