My friend studying abroad in Shenzhen has access to quite some great "replica" gear and has been kind enough to mail me care packages. I have a feeling that what he's available to qet is QUITE extensive. So, if there's absolutely anything you'd like to have a replica (affordable!) version of, let me know and I'll make it happen.
Today we have:
1. Louis Vuitton Men's Damier Bi-fold wallet. This thing is quality. I have something similar myself and its lasted me three years and is still going strong. I am asking for this which includes shipping anywhere in the US.
2. Tiffany & Co. 1837 925 (not actually silver, though) Money Clip. Also a beautiful piece. Asking for this, shipped anywhere in the US.
Please PM me if interested or with any questions.
Do you provide shipping to Australia?
I'm thinking about getting the wallet.