I researched this way back as well as seen it unfold on Cryptsy waaaay back (chat spammers from hell hyping etc)
and when I was digging around on Google when Blocknet came out I seen all kinds of retarded crap
on some IRC logs posted on the web, the crap they were spewing about Cloak was retarded and worse is who was behind it.
I'd rather give my money away than invest in these clowns garbage !
Bottom Line is they Pump and dump these coins and this one was no different except for the level of lies about future plans told way back.
What do think happened in between when it was high in value way back and now ?
I don't suppose guys from before were simply collecting cheap worthless dead coins for a coin re-Launch / resurrection ?
WOW what an idea eh ? who would have that of that ? (I guess I just invented that tactic)
Nothing changes and neither does the guys behind these so called "coins" either..
Same guys and same old shenanigans.
I tell ya guys a seen a lot of noobs from before bitch about getting burned on this coin.
Looks like they are going for round 2 LOL