
Topic: Some of my favorite Bitcoin superstars - part1 (Read 359 times)

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November 13, 2015, 08:14:20 AM

Today I wanted to compile a short list of my favorite Bitcoin superstars which are all good people (at least I like to think so) and if you are interested in Bitcoin, Freedom and Blockchain technology you might want to read up on some of their work. I have included a few links that I find interesting. (sorry for pronouncing all your names wrong in the video... I guess now you guys need to change your names to match)

Watch as video >>

Fyi. These great people are mentioned in no particular order and there are a lots of possible even cooler Bitcoin people not mentioned on this list.. so I know I have to do a part two soon. Until then I would love to hear who your personal Bitcoin superstars are?

7 great Bitcoin people :

1) Max Keiser – he has thousands of videos online.. and his rage towards the FAKE monetary system is unmatched. Here is one of his latest talks on fraud and financial terrorism :  - (if you are not pissed of like Max you are not paying attention) :

2) Chris Ellis – He appears in hundreds of videos online
I watched him a lot on “World Crypto Network” last year.. He is a cool developer with high ethics (I believe) Here is a video explaining his approach regarding a Blockchain passport : - - (cool stuff) :

3) Amir Taaki – A fucking cool guy.. I wish we had more like him (correct me if I am wrong) He is a self-taught programmer, a REAL anarchist and Bitcoin pioneer.. Watch him on the Keiser Report talk about Bitcoin and his project “Darkwallet” : Important video : : : : - OpenBazaar is the coolest project I have seen so far !!!!!!!!

4) Andreas Antonopoulos – Awesome speaker and global Bitcoin evangelist
He has made so many awesome quotes.. here is a random one “Bitcoin is a black swan that cannot be ignored or extinguished”
Please make sure you watch at least a few of the videos he appear in if you don’t know about Bitcoin he is the guy to watch !!
Here is one from this month : – I could listen to this man all day long !

5) Thomas Hunt - (aka MadBitcoins) – He seems like the nicest guy and so I am sure anyone is lucky to be his friend.
And he was the reason I started to watching YouTube…damn you MadBitcoins now I am on YouTube all the time;-)
I guess I must be a super nerd as I thought his show was the best on planet earth back in 2013.
You rock Thomas :
: And : – great idea !

6) Roger Ver - (aka Bitcoin Jesus) – A real example of a financial winner in this new digital age.He purchased Bitcoin early and has his heart the right place.. I watched a documentary about Bitcoin the other day and his comment at the end made me shed a tear.. and believe me this has not happen for many years ! So I guess now he has a place in my heart forever… thanks Roger Ver… I will never give up the dream of justice and hopefully Bitcoin is the answer.Great documentary : – and watch the end of this video…this is what Bitcoin is all about !!! His new website (great forum… and fucking awesome URL.. well done ) :
Also some insight here :

7) Julia Tourianski – If you don’t like self-made empowered woman she is not for you !! – (or maybe.. she looks great too and you might learn something) Her YouTube videos are very powerful.. and I love that she is an anarchist with strong opinions. Truly an amazing person.. with a great message “Let the individual declare his/hers own sovereignty as free people”.. And I agree 100% ... Watch her here :

I would love to hear who your personal Bitcoin superstars are?

That’s it for now… Stay vigilant friends…. subscribe for more videos in your inbox,  leave your comments below... and please share this video !!

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Thanks for watching !
I’m out  Smiley
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