Im mining with two r9 290x and so far i tuned the config to run @ about 750kH each - using cgminer with scrypt algo, win7 64bit...
I had a problem to make it working in Linux, ati drivers installed, SDK, compiled cgminer without errors, when launched it it cant find any GPU. Also clinfo shows just CPU... as far as i tried to google around this problem, I found that more peope are experiencing this problem with r290x... If anybody knows how to fix this, please let me know :-) With win7 it works like a charm, but I want to mine via linux :-) :-)
You could get over 900+ Kh/s with 290X.
I am running 3x MSI 290 and each is doing 877Kh/s.
Settings are:
TC 32765
I 20
W 512
G 1
GPU: 1000
mem: 1500
All 3 are attached to motherboard without risers.
Fans are 70% 3900rpm and temp is 70C. (In cold garage)
In a 20C room I had to run the fans at 95% but that was like a jet taking off without leaving.
Hi, what MOBO You have?
I have AsRock 970 ex4 and I want to connect the same way, 3x R9 290 (1 directly to mobo, 2x on NON powered risers) and I'm afraid it will burn my mobo.
70 degree isn't that bad for a reference cooler. Though I know how it sounds but I am sure you're accustomed to it. Happy mining mate.