ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
arp -d *
nbtstat -R
nbtstat -RR
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /registerdns
I restarted the computer, and it seems to working fine now. I will do this next time it acts us. BTW, do I do the above in DOS? Seriously, for I ain't got no clue when it comes to these things. I can figure it out via Google I suppose. I'm a HTML and CSS guy, with a little PHP thrown in for good measure. That's all I know about code.
Make sure you have windows option to show all file extensions 'on'. In windows explorer, go to: Tools: Folder options: View. Then un-check "hide extensions for known file types".
Create a new text file. paste the commands in. save. rename the file extension to .bat. Double-click to run. Let it finish.
Thanks, foggy. Very simple instruction of which I can easily follow.
@Goxed No dns. This is for my personal computer, and the problem didn't effect the other 4 in this household. We have Comcast.
Thanks again, both of you.