
Topic: [SOVED] force ubuntu to boot after power failure without user input (Read 9098 times)

Activity: 100
Merit: 10
this may be what i'm looking for:

Last Boot Failed or Boot into Recovery Mode
If the last boot failed or after a boot into Recovery Mode the menu will be displayed until the user makes a selection. The timeout setting in /etc/default/grub do not apply in this case. To change this behaviour, /etc/grub.d/00_header must be modified (if statement checking recordfail at the end of 00_header).

Activity: 100
Merit: 10
i knew i'd get into trouble not being more specific.

and the best part is, i can't at present.

i don't remember what the "screen" looked like the last time it happened.

but a keypress on the keyboard would continue the boot process. (the box has neither keyboard nor monitor at current location)

i know it's my fault for putting the machine "out there" aware of this behavior.

the best i can remember, the "screen" is similar to when windows gets shutdown improperly.
you get some choices about booting but eventually it will timeout and boot with the default option.

this ubuntu 11.04 box does not.

i'll have to wait untill the box can be picked up and brought back here but i'm afraid the quirk will always be there.
i can remote reboot all day long but it won't boot unattended after a power failure.

thanks for the reply though!

Activity: 84
Merit: 10
Might you define "angry"?

My Ubuntu rigs always boot.  I run them causeless and headless.  I just turn the power supplies off, work on them, then turn the power supplies on and they boot fine.

What are you experiencing?
Activity: 100
Merit: 10
as the topic says:

how do i get ubuntu to boot after a power failure without any user input?

the mobo is setup to power on after power failure but of course ubuntu is angry and wont boot.

this is at a remote site with no ups available.


edit /etc/grub.d/00_header
to resemble:

if [ "${recordfail}" = 1 ]; then
  set timeout=0  <----edit this integer so that it is 0 [zero]
  set timeout=3

the default for set timeout is -1 which of course is "wait forever"

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