I see you're quite crazy, so I'm not sure there is a point responding to you. Trump is of course a madman himself.
The first man in space was a Soviet citizen, according to you I guess Russia owns space.
Of course the USA was probably worried when that happened, so it signed the Outer Space Treaty in 1967. One of its points is : "outer space is not subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means".
The crazy of some is the realist of another man. You can attack the idea, but honestly who do you want to own the moon?
Then there is a very famous treaty that the barbarians entering rome didn't read...
Fundamentally this is the fatal denial that the lawyer class with their puppet politicians and their erudits always end pushing. There is a difference between a contract (inside the empire) and a treaty (outside the empire). the problem is that those same will downplay the value of the will of 2 citizens and propagate that the idea of a treaty between enemies is way more worthy.
I want freedom of speech on the moon base, what other option do I have? What better constitution that the one of the usa to push for moon colonization?
I understand that sometimes foreigners try to push their nations first, even trying to trick and hurt the usa, but fundamentally and contrary to all nations, there is a messianic project behind america. Look simply to what the american people brought and safeguard to the world? Without usa Russia China and most of Europe would be under nazi and their affiliate control, no internet, no freedom of speech, though and the flame of liberty would be threaten on the shores of the continent.
Happily you ilks were defeated at sadly great costs. So that so time and space was won to move forward.
What do you want for the moon? My self? the constitution of Colorado for the moon state and part of the usa.
Support the usa to the moon means a interstellar fleet faster. Otherwise it's pathetic low life low iq nationalism that brought nothing. nothing. what most other nations do is recycle the greatness of a time of former glory to hide their looting and cronysm from a gullible and naive public made to believe that usa is the great satan...
And fundamentally you know that you are wrong... if you want to go to the moon soon, you know it deep inside down, it can only be an American territory.
btw the potus who signed your treaty was born in 1908.
for example imagine a french moon? you would have to be forced vaccinated to get there... very lame. A russian one? a chinese one? an israeli one? please... stop the bs. a united nations one? lol. even more dumb.
there is only one option to expand... usa, unless the masters of the voids said no. And this no, ain't the type of no that bidpeds will ever be allowed to cross. And in this case only, I am clearly renouncing to all american pretension toward the moon.