Last baby boomers start claiming their entitlements through the U.S. gov't.
Financial markets, Equities, Gold, and Silver crash at least 25% each.
Unemployment/underemployment reaches 40%
Short-term deflation is in the air as there is a run on fiat currencies.
Central banks print in an effort to stop deflation.
Helicopter Ben overreacts and ends up inflating the USD into oblivion.
Investors dump their dollars to get real tangible goods (gold, silver, real estate, commodities).
Gold and silver prices skyrocket and this produces a mass shortage of physical metal.
Bitcoin prices, given its unregulated nature, have skyrocketed up to $100, down to $30, up to $500, down to $150, and have gone upwards of $1000 each.
Bitcoin is priced higher than its use for trade would suggest because a lot of people have disposable income they can afford to divert towards speculation.
In times of severe economic stress less of those people will exist; many people will be forced to cash out their Bitcoin holdings to pay bills and a lot more people won't be able to buy and hold Bitcoins even if they want to because they are living paycheck to paycheck.
In that case the exchange rate of Bitcoin (and gold) corrects downward.
If you want to protect the exchange rate of your bitcoins do whatever you can to encourage its adoption by businesses. Get trade flowing between people who would otherwise be unable to transact.