Think that this plays into it more than actually being religious but it would be interesting if they could figure that out.
If it was true,why are we programmed in that way if a God does not exsist?
Read a similar study in a psychology magazine and did not give it much weight then either.
We are social creatures and can not live in a vacuum. Believing in something beyond your ego is hope. That is why we step out of bed every morning, to love someone or to troll someone on a forum.... We need a purpose.
I question the whole purpose of life angle,it feels like its one of those ideas created to create working ants or bees in a hive. The usual angle is people will give up on life and commit suicide if they do not find a purpose in life and find some kind of fulfillment.
What if its just another way to keep the cog going like the way the bible keeps people holding on for a afterlife!
Its always a interesting concept to bring up from time to time because very few people actually sit back and think about these issues. How many people do we know that are constantly pushing themselves and looking busy,this is why the cell phone is so handy for people. Put it to your face and you instantly look like you are achieving something instead of standing in one place doing nothing but pondering the clouds. Or watch people in a downtown core,most of them will have this rapid movement where they want you to believe they are off to a important meetup/event,when you catch up to them they are standing in line for a coffee.
If its something programmed into people through dna,then should we not be looking to alter it in experiments rather than giving in and pushing ourselves?
This falls into the same garble you get about trusting a married man more than a single man,you can rely on the married man to be punctual and never miss a shift. The single man does not have roots and can potentially uproot and find another job.
Also feels like a religious aspect because times where hard before we where around and people where actually surviving and just getting by. So they came up with religion to give people something to believe in and follow rules for. Fiefdom was important and the slaves/workers where critical to success.
Something to look into I think.
Why don't you question the whole purpose of your heart beating every second... The heart started beating before man needed religion to make sense of life. The angle of life is to create more life. This not just a human social construct. The purpose of the bible is for you to become a Christian.
People commit suicide. I am sure there are some cases in the animal kingdom. Maybe. I don't know.
How big is your consciousness, what shape does it have and how much does it weigh? Is it your consciousness or is it rented? Maybe we should find a way to answer those questions before we believe it is time to reprogram our dna to make us better
Think I must have mislead you I am not religious in any aspect of my life. So the whole thinking about listening to the heart for meditative states does not resonate with me. Animals for sure commit suicide usually when they are hurt they leave the safety of numbers and get attacked by prey. Sure there are other examples we just have not captured that aspect,like beach whales but that could be a sonar issue.
If the purpose of life is to create life,then to what end? From what I have understood lately we really have little to go off for self. Perception is often wrong and that really is all we have,you factor in that study about decisions being made 1 second before we acknowledge it and it slides more to microbial push.
Watched this parasites life cycle where it latched on to different animals in the food chain and made them act in a way that was more attractive and easier to pick off by the prey. So humans most likely factor into that in some way.
But I do not believe in a after life,so if there is I am going to be shocked but if there is not I will most likely not know.
Had a random thought about life today and I was thinking what if we have our moral compass all wrong. What if pain and suffering where actually the way to go about life and we should torture every one we come across. Maybe that was the natural state and we have been fighting it and not letting it reach its full potential. Like our idea of heaven is actually hell and hell is heaven if that makes sense. We have these ideas in our head because we pass them along like telephone and it could be all wrong.
Then the light changed...
Guess I am bitter or something that I never became the battle rapper I wanted to be when I was 15 and the meaning of life is fruitless now that I can not be the next 2pac.