When you read the article, keep in mind that our mentality - the mentality of those people who are doing the research - is using a third set of holographic activity. Mentality studying Spooky Quantum Action in this way is like a "next stage" hologram, beyond the holographic activity that space-time is like.
We are bordering on finding the way that we can control things with our mind. Here is a comparison.
Quantum mechanics suggests that anything might be true. We use quantum math in many ways, and then work with the ways that match what we see in nature. Quantum math, however, might work in other ways. If we believe that we have clearly found proof through QM that something exists, even though the thing does not really exist until we have found the proof for it,
it just might come into being like it had always been there.Is this dangerous? What if the common, everyday person were given a tool to "visualize" "quantumly."