So I've been on my soap box for a few weeks informing anyone who will listen about Bitcoin, bitcoin wallet apps (mainly mobile), its use case with remittances especially to the philliapines via coins.ph etc. So far this week I've got 5 newly interested parties, who now all have bitcoin wallets with small amounts of bitcoin. All of which are planning to "read up more about it" and seem enthusiastic. 1 person who is now using coins.ph/bitcoin to make their monthly remittances. And 1 person who has now also got their significant other into bitcoin using some of the coins I gave them.
To spark interest in the technology and show people how easy it is to use I've been giving them $3 each when they setup a new blockchain.info wallet app on their phone. Once they realize that there is no middle man, the transactions are super fast and have almost no fee, they are all hooked.
I plan to continue my efforts to raise bitcoin awareness this year and plan to give $3 to all new bitcoin users that I meet in person.
With this being said if anyone would like to contribute to my efforts I am accepting donations here:
19psYZCYpe1QMdhTr8gDR6cNy8JUyJm685 I will be continuing my efforts whether or not I receive any financial assistance in doing so, but some crowdfunding of increasing the amount of bitcoin users would be a great addition to my efforts.
If you'd like to "donate knowledge" I'm also interested in some of the main methods on which you get people interested in bitcoin? And how often can you convince people to download wallets and obtain bitcoin? Also any ideas of where people could immediately spend their $3 of bitcoins on? I always tell them about eGifter, Gyft, Newegg, Overstock, but usually $3 is too small of a purchase so they just hold on to them and I encourage them to send bitcoins to their other family members.
I'll be making occasional updates on newly acquired bitcoin enthusiasts