Therefore by spreading bitcoin awareness in countries or communities that it’s government are against it, should be done cautiously. Because once the government decides to take strict actions against the users, some of the advocates that spread it publicly or use it in their businesses will easily be traced and could be convicted for breaking the law, and I don’t think even Satoshi will appreciate that.
If Bitcoin's banned in your country, just forget teaching it to other people.
No "doing it cautiously" kind of sh*t here. If it's banned by the government, don't do it unless you're ready for the consequences. Yes I like people who are sharing information about Bitcoin, but if that will cause you to go to prison, or if that kind of act of yours will cause you to alarm the government then is it worth it? I don't think so, so just don't teach them. As for Satoshi, he/she/they don't care TBH.
I feel like bitcoin should be spread in these kind of communities secretly and cautiously to avoid exposing our privacy and hampering our security. It should only be thought to people that show interest and not going to schools to teach them because that is like breaking the laws of the community or country, and bitcoin or Satoshi himself is not have law breakers or criminals as it’s users or advocates just like how the media and government portrays it.
Nope I don't think that it should be spread secretly or cautiously.
In some places where there is a high crime rate then maybe you can do it, but there are some places where you are still safe after doing it. After all, sharing knowledge to other people doesn't mean that you have lots of Bitcoin right? As for schools teaching Bitcoin, in my country I don't think that there will every be a curriculum that regards to Bitcoin (correct me if I'm wrong though), but there are some countries that are teaching Bitcoin, I guess.
Again, why address Satoshi as a male, and why you use "himself"? Evidences??
So before spreading bitcoin awareness, first of all take care of your own security First. If you can then leave the advocacy for that period. Bitcoin Uniqness will surely pave way for itself like it has been doing through the years.
I'm not teaching Bitcoin to anyone as of now, but I'm aware of my security once there will be people who might get interested in learning it. I believe that those people who are teaching Bitcoin to other people are aware of their own security.