Our site:
http://sptoken.wordpress.com, top-level .io coming soon.
What is S&P Token?
The S&P Token is the first of its kind - a cryptocurrency backed 1:1 by U.S. securities. By tokenizing index funds, we allow crypto-investors and traders to have better market exposure, offering scalability, diversity, and intrinsic value of an investment, without the difficulties that come with traditional brokerage.
Why should I join?
The S&P Token holds real-world value as each token in circulation is backed by one share of the S&P 500 Index. This allows cryptocurrency investors to gain exposure to the broader and more stable U.S. market without needing to go through an investment firm, as well as allowing for greater scalability.
How does it work?
Based upon the Waves network and sold peer-to-peer, on exchanges, or through our website S&P Token opens up whole new worlds of possibilities in cryptocurrency.
Tokens can be redeemed by us at any point for 95% of the current value of the index, or sold to another investor on the Waves DEX.
Each time a new token is issued, we buy one share of the Vanguard S&P 500 index fund. This means that every token is backed by real-world assets, and offers stability, anonymity, convenience, and scalability to our users.
Read our whitepaper:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8Uea9vRbSh-MW43XzV4bFU1ZEE/viewI'd love to hear any thoughts or feedback on the token from you - feel free to comment or shoot me a PM!