Don't buy any accounts if sellers don't provide you with a signed message from old address because it may be a hacked account so they may sell it for a cheaper price. In his post, he didn't mention whether he can give you signed a message so first clarify with the seller and use an escrow to avoid problems later.
Signed message from what address exactly? Not every account has stacked/linked addy so which specific address would you require him to sign.
And it's a free market. If the only bid was of 0.015, then how can you tell it's worth 0.05?
ps. I agree that OP should be tagged for not honouring his own auction. You're not ready to sell for 0.01? Then set a higher starting price.
People which cares their accounts they got a staked adress, and lets be realistic a senior rank here takes a lot time to be sold for pennies, even if you arent into a signature, reputation here its something takes time to get, soo im sure this account might be from those accounts hacked in the past, soo supporting this people makes no sense.