Today I am here to reveal one of the biggest scams in the bitcoin casino market and how there using there trust to scam you for tons of money.
Now i am going tot talk about there sportsbooks scams .
I am going to start with the sportsbook because its less complicated.
So there is 2 main scams they are running right now.
1. Accepting live bets after major even in the casinos favor
2. Large delays in scoring display and using it to scam players.
1. So what they do is let say e-soccer. You will place a live bet on the under and because its a live bet there is a delay of 5-8 to secs to make sure there is no major even that change odds or even line. Lets say you placed bet on under 4.5 and goal is scored right when you placed bet because its live bet should be rejected and then new line of under 5.5 but stake uses this to scam people if not in there favor they reject it but if its in there favor they will accpet the bet so you are more likley to loose. Now they do this over many sports, table tennis, hockey, and tennis. If you look into sportbook now you will see they are no longer offering as much table tennis because of massive amount of complaints. If you watch sports chat you will notice this . It happend to me many times over table tennis and soccer. I could not prove it till last time when was i quick enough to screenshot it. You can see even though sportsbook was suppose to reject it they still accpeted bet because it was in there favor and to make more money
https://imgur.com/a/Ax2uqf9Even after providing proof they claimed there was error. Because it was proof of there scam. As you can see if proof bet was loading it was not place yet and goal had been scored. It even said bet was suppose to rejected but as you can see they still acepted bet to scam people
2. Now let talk about another really big scam there running. There is massive problems with them offering bad lines to scam people. Its widespread but right now its focused on nba2k sports and table tennis. They never offer lines not in there favor there will be delays in there odds and scoring but will only leave the market open if they are going to win such as table tennis it will say 7-5 when score is already 7-7 and offer bad odds to scam you . If you contact support they claim theres no problems even though you saw them with you own eyes and because table tennis is so fast its easy for them to scam you. But also they say it not there duty to provide updated scores. You bet at your own risk even if scores displayed are messed up. Now if you llok as site there not offering as many table tennis matches do to many many complaints. Now they second part nba 2k esports. Scores are never live and 15 points can be scored in 10 secs even though its live streamed they still offer bad spreads because they know updated lines they just dont update live and then blame it on players i have a really good example of this . I betted plus 21.5 on a game when it said scored was about 18 diffrence. But really it was already a 27 point diffrence if you watched t live stream. They knew this but kept bad market open. I contacted support and showed them live steam and bad spread and all they said was NO. Its easy to check because it was all live streamed so you can compare live steam and line to see it was messed up. But too keep my money they said nope no reason just no error. You can see proof here
https://www.twitch.tv/nba2kleagueTime Bet Was Placed:7:30 PM 5/19/2020
https://imgur.com/a/Q1FyicxWrap Up Sportsbook:
So now i have tried to be reasonable and talk to sports team and chat but this is not first time I have many examples and proof of the doing suspect tech probs. But after there answers its more looking like a scam.