OK, no I just checked the block number on etherscan and I'm up-to-date WTF is going on? My miner has been offline for like 12 hours.
I0528 07:59:03.992663 miner/worker.go:555] commit new work on block 1600708 with 3 txs & 0 uncles. Took 64.0032ms
geth says my hashrate is 0 H/s.
On my miner why are the commands to set the fan speed and fan monitor returning an error? I pressed the up arrow and re-executed the last command line?
Why did ethminer just terminate with no error and return to the command line? Why can't it connect to geth anymore?
I'm sure I'll work it out but this is all very confusing ATM???
[Final Edit] EDIT4:
1. The ghost miner was eliminated by upgrading to the latest version of geth.
2. The miner terminated (I'm assuming here) due the ghost miner hijacking (MitMA) the connection. This ghost miner however isn't well versed in the finer points of MICROSOFT and doesn't understand "feature vs. bug". I'm will to bet the ghost miner's Engrish also suffers from this same flaw.
3. The issues with the aticonfig commands to set the fan and monitor the temp. stemmed from a miraculous change in font type and a resulting change in quotation and dash character codes resulting in aticonfig asking me what the fuck I was talking about.