Hello guys,
I am somewhat new to bitcoin and electrum, and wanted some help from more experience people like yourself :
some of the answers I have read above are plain dangerous. Please keep in mind that many posting here do so for their paid signature and you will have to double check almost all answers you get here. There are a few exceptions, but you should not believe me, because I also sell my signature.
1) How can i create a static receiving address in electrum ? Or is this unnecessary since all receiving addresses in electrum automatically static ? (meaning they stay forever in your electrum wallet)
All addresses are static in this sense and all will be recoverable from your seed. Electrum will keep 20 unused addresses ready for you at all times, but you can also always see the older ones. Open the "addresses" tab. You will see "Receiving" which can be opened with the little triangle. And within "receiving" you will see "used" which can also be opened.
Because i want to have a receiving address in electrum, which i can always use to receive donations. So that people who want to donate can always use this same address. But i don't want to always having to publish another address after a certain period.
2) How do i obtain the public key (compressed) for this receiving address ? Is this just right clicking on the receiving address ?
Whether or not a public key is compressed can not be easily seen. You can get the public key in hex format by right clickin on an address is in the "addresses" tab and selecting "public keys". If you want to know whether or not the key is compressed you need to look at the private key in WIF format. Instead of clicking "public keys" you click on "private key". After you entered your password electrum will show the private key, make sure it stays private. If it starts with a '5' its for an uncompressed key, if it starts with an 'L' or 'K' its for a compressed key. AFAIK electrum uses uncompressed keys.
3) Can i use this same public key from that receiving address for multisig transactions ?
Multi sig works with compressed and uncompressed keys. You can use them to create a multi sig address, yes. You will get a new address though.
The BTC address shown is the public key.
Priv key -> pub key -> address. The address is essentially a specially hashed public key. Both can be shared without worry, but they are not the same and they serve different purposes.