Eariler today, Nyancat Financial and bitcoin community socialite usagi commented on the situation. "Our intent is to replace shares of YABIF 1 for 1 with NYAN.A shares, since both funds trade at 1 bitcoin per share. We feel this is a good offer for YABIF shareholders since NYAN.A is the only guaranteed and insured fund on the market today. Nothing is set in stone yet, but the offer has been made and we're in preliminary talks to arrange the transfer. There will be a shareholder motion."
Could more buyout offers be on the table for Nyancat Financial? Only time will tell. CEO usagi was quoted as saying "Nyancat Financial is looking to expand, and we don't mind paying fair value. Fund managers should think about it. We'll throw in a personal bonus too; we'll give any fund manager that sells out to us some free shares of Nyancat Financial... for free."
Full Disclosure: Yes, I am full. I recently ate. No, just kidding. Full disclosure, I run Nyancat Financial. Puffn will also likely make a statement, and this post is just a news release -- it does not constitute a final sale or an agreement of any sale terms, or even an agreement to sell YABIF.
I'm curious now too, as much as I don't want to give it any attention.